Resident Services/FSS
The FSS program helps families create a path out of poverty. Participants receive housing assistance so they can focus on employment, education, and job training. They also receive help with removing barriers to their goals. Participants may qualify for a variety of services, including:
- Healthcare
- Transportation
- Childcare
- Education
- Job search and retention skills
- Financial planning, including credit counseling
- Home ownership counseling
How it Works
Participants work with FSS coordinators to:
- Explore and define career and financial goals
- Identify barriers to self-sufficiency
- Develop a plan to overcome these barriers
All adults on the application must be present at the orientation. FSS participants are also eligible for a savings account. Any increase in a family’s rent resulting from an increase in earned income will be credited to this account. Participants will receive the funds in the account, plus interest, after they complete the FSS contract.
The length of an FSS contract is five years.
The program is available to families that are:
- Housing Choice Voucher Program
- GDPM Owned Housing Program
How to Apply
For more information about the program, including how to apply, call 937.910.5400.