Agency Records

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Possible PointsActual 2009Actual 2010
Physical Inspections302326
Financial Management302728
Management Operations302728
Resident Customer Service Survey1099
Penalty (Late)

High Perfomer Status - FY2010


Possible PointsPoints Scored
Indicator #1 - Selection from Waiting List1515
Indicator #2 - Reasonable Rent2020
Indicator #3 - Determination of Adjusted Income2020
Indicator #4 - Utility Allowance Schedule55
Indicator #5 - HQS Quality Control55
Indicator #6 - HQS Enforcement1010
Indicator #7 - Expanding Housing Opportunities55
Indicator #8 - Payment Standards55
Indicator #9 - Annual Reexaminations1010
Indicator #10 - Correct Tenant Rent Calculations55
Indicator #11 - Pre-contract HQS55
Indicator #12 - Annual HQS1010
Indicator #13 - Lease Up1515
Indicator #14 - Family Self-Sufficiencyn/an/a
Indicator #15 - Deconcentration Bonus5
Performance Rating: HIGH PERFORMER

  • 90% - 100% - High Performer
  • 69% - 89-%  - Standard Performer
  • Below 69%  - Troubled Agency
  • DMHA earned 100% of the 135 potential points
  • Performance Rating: HIGH PERFORMER


The Greater Dayton Premier Management (GDPM) commissioned Creative Housing Solutions, Inc. (CHS) on November, 24 2004 to evaluate forty-three (43) GDPM public housing developments in Montgomery County, Ohio.

This Physical Needs Assessment (PNA) was commissioned to assist the GDPM in creating a long-term strategic plan for the agency. This assessment also assists the GDPM in their compliance with the HUD Annual and 5-year Plan requirements stipulated in Section 511 of the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998 (QHWRA).

The purpose of the assessment was to help the GDPM evaluate the long-term viability of their public housing inventory. The approach taken for this PNA was to determine the improvements required to achieve the following objectives.

  1. Maintain the properties in a “safe, decent, and sanitary” condition. This is a major component of the GDPM Mission Statement.
  2. Elimination of undesirable (difficult to rent) units and sites.
  3. Enhancements required to meet market demands, based on the separately prepared 2005 GDPM Market Study.
  4. Modifications required for accessibility as described in the 2005 Section 504 Evaluation and Transition Plan.