Agency Plans

Agency Plans

If you have a language translation request or reasonable accommodation request for reviewing GDPM’s Plan documents or attending the Public Hearing, please call (937) 910-7625 or TDD (937) 910-7570.  Interpreters can be made available at the Hearing upon request.

Public Housing Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP): The ACOP is the PHA’s written statement of policies used to carry out the public housing program in accordance with federal law and regulations, and HUD requirements.

In response to the May 27th, 2019 tornado outbreak, GDPM expanded its Public Housing Involuntary Displacement Preference Category to include involuntary displacement due to a disaster. This change is reflected on pages 90 and 197 of the ACOP and is effective on 5/31/2019.  If you meet this preference category, you may be eligible for 54 preference points and may be eligible for immediate housing.  Applications with the same amount of preference points will be reviewed in the order in which they are received.


GDPM Section 8 Administrative Plan:  The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires all Public Housing Authorities (PHA) adopt a written administrative plan that establishes local policies for administration of the Section 8 program. The administrative plan must state the PHA’s policies in those areas where the PHA has discretion to establish local policy.

GDPM 2025 Admin Plan

The PHA Plan: The PHA Plan is a guide to public housing agency policies, programs, operations, and strategies for meeting local housing needs. There are two parts to the PHA Plan: the 5-Year Plan, which each PHA submits to HUD once every 5th PHA fiscal year, and the Annual Plan, which is submitted to HUD every year.

GDPM posted a Significant Amendment to the GDPM FY24 Annual Plan.   The Significant Amendment can be accessed via the following link:

GDPM Capital Fund Program (CFP) Plan:  Each year, HUD requires that a PHA develop a 5-Year Capital Fund Action Plan, which describes the PHA’s 5-year plans for Capital Fund activities. The Plan includes a budget for each year in the 5-year Action Plan and details specific work to be performed in each year.

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